After two years of launching, Windows 8 product key still did not reap the success as expected.
Windows 8 was officially released in August 2012, but the two-year-old can not completely replace the predecessor Windows 7. Accordingly, Windows 7 home premium product key is still very popular with users. In particular, HP computer companies are still in favor of Windows 7.
At this point, Windows 8 is still the latest version of Microsoft's operating system. However, there is information that the software giant will introduce Windows Threshold early next month. So Windows 8 has shown its role after 2 years of launch? Compared to market share, we can easily see that Windows 7 is significantly better than Windows 8.
Another reason may be that users are familiar with the Start menu on Windows 7, so when Microsoft removed this menu on Windows 8 makes the user feel difficult to use. So users are not keen on Windows 8 is easy to understand. As a corrective step, Microsoft office 2016 product key will add the Start menu to the upcoming Windows Threshold.
The reason HP returns to Windows 7 is because its customers are satisfied with the OS.