1 Click ⊞ Win and press R. This will open the program "Run" from which you can get to the registry of your PC.
2. Enter "regedit" in the Run field.
3 Press ↵ Enter. This will begin the Registry Editor device.
4 Review the choices tree on the left half of your screen. You should explore through a portion of the catalogs recorded here to achieve your goal.
Since the registry contains the vast majority of your PC's delicate data, consider clicking File and afterward Export in the upper left corner of the screen to move down your registry before proceeding. .
5. Extend the catalog "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Note that you should tap the + sign to one side of the organizer to extend it - don't tap on the index itself.
6 Expand the "Product" envelope. Every organizer you have to grow after this point will be inside the past envelope (for instance, "Programming" situated in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", and so forth.).
7 Expand the "Microsoft" envelope.
8 Expand the "Windows NT" envelope.
9 Expand the "CurrentVersion" envelope.
10 Click the "WPA Events" envelope. Try not to extend this. You will see its substance recorded in a window on the correct side of the Registry Editor page.
11 Right-tap on the section "OOBETimer".
12 Click Modify.
13 Select "OOBETimer". These ought to be two or three sets and arbitrary numbers.
14 Press Delete. This will evacuate the qualities listed here.
15 Enter the new number. It doesn't make a difference what you put here, however you'll have to keep the designing reliable (for instance, in the event that you've erased four characters, you'll have to supplant that with four characters). [first]
16 Click OK when you are done. This will spare your progressions.
17 Exit the Registry Editor apparatus.
18 Open the Run apparatus. Keep in mind, you can hold ⊞ Win and press R to do as such.
19 Type "% systemroot% \ system32 \ oobe \ msoobe.exe/an" into the Run window. Bar cites. Entering this order will open the Windows XP initiation wizard.
For best outcomes, basically reorder this content into the Run field.
20 Click OK.
21 Select the telephone choice. This choice should state "Yes, I need to call client benefit delegates to actuate Windows" and there will be an interactive checkbox to one side of it.
In the event that you see a note that says "Windows XP has been actuated," changing your key physically won't work. Kindly proceed with the Windows Key Finder strategy.
22 Click Next.
23 Click Change item key. This is at the base of the "Enactment" windows product key.
24 Enter the Windows XP product key. Note that you may need to attempt this stage a couple of times with various keys.
In the event that you don't realize what adaptation of Windows XP your PC is at present running, allude to your PC's manual for confirmation before you continue with the trial of the related item key.
25 Click Update. This will make another Windows XP ID for your PC. When this procedure is finished, you should affirm your Windows XP initiation.
26 Click Back.
27 Select the "Actuate Windows over the Internet" choice. This will enable you to actuate your XP form rapidly.
Note that calling Microsoft office 2013 product key utilizing the "client delegate telephone" choice may not work on the grounds that Microsoft has quit supporting Windows XP on April 8, 2014.
28 Follow the on-screen directions. After you have finished the enactment of Windows XP, you will have the capacity to utilize it without locking the framework.